
Tag: package theft

Why Package Alerts are Awesome

In his famed experiments, Ivan Pavlov trained his dogs to associate mealtime with the ring of a bell. Over time, Pavlov found he could elicit an involuntary physical response in his dogs with a simple jingle. Every time his bell rang, the dogs, anticipating a tasty meal, began to salivate. …


8 Astonishing Online Shopping & Home Delivery...

8 Astonishing Online Shopping & Home Delivery Stats [INFOGRAPHIC] We live in a world where you can get virtually anything delivered. And almost all of us want it delivered to our front doors. But the fear of package theft and porch pirates, has many of us making other decisions and …


Don’t Leave Your Home Unattended Without Tak...

Don’t Leave Your Home Unattended Without Taking These 7 Precautions It’s summer and many people are getting away for some much earned r&r, but you don’t want that well deserved rest to be tarnished by worry over what’s going on at home. Fortunately, there are many things you can do …


Package Guard Pre-Sale Has Arrived!

It’s Finally Here! Package Guard Pre-Sale Has Arrived! We’re super pumped about Package Guard and it’s finally arriving December 1. Get ready for a Super Secret Sale exclusively to our insider mailing list starting 9:00AM EST Monday August 14! Here’s what makes it Super Secret;  Only the Insiders will have 48 hours to purchase a device before sales …


Tips on using Social Media for Neighborhood Safety

One of the easiest (and free) tricks to keeping your home secure and your packages safe is to be connected with your neighborhood, community, and neighbors. So, how do you do that? Social media is not a bad way to keep in touch, and platforms like Facebook and Nextdoor are particularly …


Are you better than Indiana Jones?

If you’ve ever had a package stolen (which 11 million Americans have in the last 12 months), then you understand the frustration and disappointment of coming home from a long day at the office and coming up to your porch to see that your package is missing. Of course, you …


Moms ❤ The Package Guard

Being a new mom isn’t easy, but thankfully, home deliveries are saving time and sanity. One mom we asked explains, that she only survives with strategic multitasking. “When the baby’s asleep, I order groceries online via Safeway, dinner online via Blue Apron, baby supplies, gifts, household items, etc. And by …


Top 5 Holiday Home Security Tips

Happy holidays from us at the Package Guard! We hope that you have a safe and festive season, and to help make sure it’s a secure one, we’ve put together some helpful home security tips. BE AWARE: There’s often a spike in property crimes like theft and burglary just before …