Holiday Heists: Seasonal Package Theft

  The holiday season is Christmas for porch pirates, and every year the news is filled with segments on this growing crime. A quick look at online trends shows significant spikes in conversation about package theft, and it makes a lot of sense that these spikes occur around Christmas. The …


Epidemic: Growing Rate of Package Theft

Like the high seas of old, the world of shipping is a ripe place for pirates—porch pirates, that is. If you were one of 23 million Americans who has been the victim of package theft, then you’re part of a growing trend of package theft. Even though property theft has …


Evening Deliveries and Package Theft

Package theft is a crime of opportunity. If a package is left unattended on the porch, and someone willing to steal the package sees it, there is an opportunity and the package will get stolen. More deliveries means more opportunity. It also means that if we’re clever, we can find …


Six Stages of Lost Package Grief

Six Stages of Lost Package Grief Finally, your package has been delivered, or at least that’s what the tracking says. You can’t wait to check. You rush home after work visualizing the brown box sitting happily on your porch. As you arrive, you see the porch empty. Denial You pull …


Working with Police to Prevent Package Theft

How the Police Can Help Many police departments have issued warnings over the last few years to be extra vigilant against package theft. They’ve posted articles on how to prevent package theft. Notably, the Seattle Police Department’s email newsletter from October 2015 focused on the issue. These efforts to prevent package …


6 Things you can do to Prevent Package Theft

Require signatures on deliveries. If you’re ordering products to be shipped companies might ship with signature confirmation options. This is particularly true for high-value packages. Additionally, many carriers require a signature confirmation (sometimes at the discretion of the driver). You can choose to override this option, but by requiring signatures, …


A Picture’s Worth – When It Comes to P...

It’s true. Security cameras can help catch “porch pirates” in the act, and if the cameras are visible, they maybe act as a deterrent preventing package theft (on the other hand, read: “Police Chief: Security Cameras don’t help fight crime.“). In the best case scenario, a would-be bandit sees the …